20130629 - initial commit (derived from FW03preB)
- to build under eclipse, you'll need the gnu toolchain from -
- I borrowed a setup documnent from the AQ32PLUS software, you'll have to translate a little bit from it.
it's in the Documentation folder
- while the eclipsesetup document in the Documents directory talks about installing the Code Sourcery
toolchain, ignore that and use the above. Follow the rest of the document however.
- where it talks about importing a .cproject file, use the one in the setup folder called .cproject.orig
20130629 - added USB libaries and stubbed in the VCP code (NOT FUNCTIONAL) 20130629 - added newlib_stubs.c - these are the stub routines that should allow the uarts to function like consoles with limited input/output features like printf, etc.