[Unoffical] Borica Ruby Gem for Payments
See Borica Bank webpage for Internet 3D Secure Payments
Add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'borika'
gem install borika
require 'borika'
Here is a possible configuration for development config/environments/development.rb
Borika.configure do |config|
config.private_key = File.binread "testPrivateKey.key"
config.private_key_password = "Password"
config.public_key = File.binread "testPublicKey.cer"
config.borika_terminal_id = "11111111" # Borika KEY
config.borika_url = "https://gatet.borica.bg/boreps/"
config.request_type = "registerTransaction"
This parameters are default but you can change it while using on the fly.
Note: You must send the signed CSR file to Borica BANK, otherwise you will get, certificate error.
Let's create a url
order_id = rand(1..200000) # Give your uniq order_id
amaount = rand(100..50000) # Integer with cents
Borika::Request.new(order_id, amount).url
You can also give more parameters, copy the default initializer belowe and modify it.
Borika::Request.new(order_id, amount, order_summary: "Order #{order_id}",
time: Time.now, language: 'EN', protocol_version: '1.0', currency: 'EUR',
process_no: 10, request_type: Borika.config.request_type, terminal_id: Borika.config.borika_terminal_id,
one_time_ticket: nil).url
Lets parse the response comes from callback, in your controller:
Borika::Response.new(params[:eBorica]).hash # returns hash
Not tested. Works with default parameters. Welcome to pull request.
This repository originally inspired from Genadi Samokovarov's Borica Gem
GPL Licence. Copyleft. You can copy and modify this software.