"Little Esty Shop" is a group project that required us to build a fictitious e-commerce platform where merchants and admins can manage inventory and fulfill customer invoices.
- Practice designing a normalized database schema and defining model relationships
- Utilize advanced routing techniques including namespacing to organize and group like functionality together.
- Utilize advanced active record techniques to perform complex database queries
- Built functionality detailed in 36 User Stories
- Developed all work using Test-Driven-Development, including the use of RSPec, Capybara, Shoulda-Matchers, Orderly, and SimpleCov to enhnace our testing
- Built database and associations from scratch to include 5 tables and 1 join table
- Used resources to support advanced and nested routing operations
- Created multiple ActiveRecord query methods to produce desired data from user stories
- Utilized form helpers for all forms to facilitate clean transfer of data between views, models, and controllers
- Utilized partials to DRY up code
- Adhered to and maintained MVC standards and best practices
- Further DRY up code by adding in additional partials to views
- Update "form_with url" forms to be "form_with model" forms where possible
- Clean up and refine test data setup