Language: PT-BR
The purpose of the codes in this repository is to provide a set of code examples for anyone starting to use PostgreSQL with the C language.
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To install PostgreSQL on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu based distributions) you can run the commands below.
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt install libpq-dev
Connect to server:
sudo -u postgres psql
When accessing the server, you can use these commands below to manage it.
\l Lists the databases.
\c DB_NAME Connects to an existing database.
\dt Lists existing tables.
\q Log out of the server.
General use:
- Generate executables (compile).
- settings.h: Header containing PostgreSQL server settings.
- 1 - connect.c: Makes the connection to the server.
- 2 - create table.c: Creates and deletes a table in the database.
- 3 - insert item.c: Insert records into a table.
- 4 - select all.c: Selects records from a table.
- 5 - delete.c: Delete records.
- 6 - update.c: Update records.
To compile the codes, just run the script, specifying in its parameters the name of the file you want to compile, as in the example below.
./ "1 - connect.c"
The compiled file is always saved with the name app-test, so just run it to run the tests.
ZetCode, PostgreSQL programming in C
Sponsor: melchisedech333
Twitter: Melchisedech333
LinkedIn: Melchisedech Rex