Code which implements the Robot Hoover test specified here
The program requires that you have a mongo db running on the default port.
To build it on your machine you also need the Java 1.8 JDK installed
If you are using a mac you can install it using:
brew install mongodb
For other systems check here
Once installed you can launch mongo from the command line, with the command: mongod
clone the repo and issue the following command from the root folder of the application: ./gradlew bootRun
you should now be able to reach the POST endpoint: localhost:8080/cleanRoom
Use a client like PostMan to POST your input json payload, and see the response json
To check the database audit you need to open a terminal window and start the mongo client with the command: mongo
navigate to the database with the command: use YotiHooverDb
Then show all the records that have been saved with the command: db.roombaAudit.find()