My game is meant to emulate a carnival-style horse race. I aimed to move several horses across the screen from left to right with a function to alert the players when someone had won. The game allows the user to pick a number of players from 2-4. Each player is assigned a preset horse and a key to move that horse forward. I wanted to give the players some customization, so I used an object constructor to collect users' names and also keep track of scores.
- Html
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Photoshop
- Choose number of players (2-4)
- Keypress UI to move avatars from left to right
- Check for winner and display a screen showing name and horse of player who won
- Bugle sound when user preferences are submitted
- Loop-based countdown timer that counts 3-2-1 until players start
- Win counter that updates after each player's winner
- Ability to reset and continue game with same user selections
- Fix bug where users can start pressing keys before countdown has finished
- Fix bug where a winner can take "victory laps" and keep incrementing the score by crossing the finish line again and again if the new game button isn't pressed
- Obstacles for horses to "jump" over
- Use GIFs as avatars so it looks more like the horses are running
- Ability for user to choose own horse
- More sound effects (galloping, music, etc.)
- Handlebars templating
- 'Bot'-controlled horses