Contains a library for explicit-state model checking in C++. Example models can
be found in src/models
Current features:
- Symmetry reduction.
- Several search strategies: memory-usage friendly hashing of states only; and precise but more demand on memory usage.
- Synthesis.
- TCMalloc (optional, but improves performance noticeably)
$ ./third_party/
$ scons -j4 # add --release for optimized build
$ ./build/bin/verc3 runmodel list
$ ./build/bin/verc3 runmodel <model-name>
If you use this library or any parts of the code in your work, we would appreciate if you cite:
@inproceedings{ElverBJN2018, author = {Marco Elver and Christopher J. Banks and Paul Jackson and Vijay Nagarajan}, title = {{VerC3}: {A} {L}ibrary for {E}xplicit {S}tate {S}ynthesis of {C}oncurrent {S}ystems}, booktitle = {Design, Automation {\&} Test in Europe (DATE)}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, month = mar, year = {2018}, venue = {Dresden, Germany} }