Apitect is a hobby project of mine, that I work on occasionally. Basically this is going to be a json editor with different lenses on different value types (i.e. color pickers, markdown editors, media files, external databases as source for array nodes, et alii).
Furthermore, each document can have different tags, which can be used to have similar configs for different environments or multiple languages of the same locale file.
Each object-typed json node, including the root node, exposes a REST endpoint which can be accessed via CRUD. Document validation and versioning with publish option will be baked into the core to ensure the published & retrieved documents are always schematically valid.
Please note, this is still work in progress, but I like to work on it here and then. Feel free to explore the source code.
- in /server:
docker-compose up
npm run start
- in /frontend:
npm run start
- download as via rest api: content-type: Json, Typescript, Swagger config, capitalize/camelcase-keys
- values can have user ownership or tag
- tags can extend each other
- all values are inline editable
- Login endpoint for user collections -> returns jwt
- Tags are sent as http headers
- CRUD endpoints
- Array needs ID field for CRUD operations
- Value column head has extends/copy dropdown
- publish only possible when doc is valid, otherwise API gives 404
- date restrictions only future/past etc?
- Value type for event like value with repetition (cron)?
- password input masked + view eye
- unify selectedvaluenode and selectednode
- ReferenceInput (gets a list of inputs (ref, rest, db) + ramda code -> final value)
- ColorInput
- RichtextInput
- SelectInput
- MultiTagInput
- ListInput
- ArrayInput (values have ArrayItemId reference)
- DateInput
- TreeInput:
arrow keys, remember open state, open selected - toasts for validation errors in dashboard
- element for editing existing, new and delete form items
- App-wide keyboard shortcuts for navi dropdown
- find out why EnumsSettings restores name after deleting it from text input
- search for tree selector
- put values to project dependent collections
- TimeInput
export default { red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number }
export default { longitude: number, latitude: number }
export default { contentType: string, length: number, base64: string }
export default { path: Array<string> }
export default string | '***'
export default { date: string, timeZone: string }
export default { html: string }
- integrate https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype