Set up the Mes Aides stack.
Déploie l'infrastructure de Mes Aides.
- Python 3 and virtualenv
- An SSH connection to the root user of the remote server
ssh root@$SERVER -C date
virtualenv .venv37 --python=python3.7
source .venv37/bin/activate
pip install --requirement requirements.txt --upgrade
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
fab bootstrap --host $SERVER
fab provision --host $SERVER --name $NAME
# fab provision --host $SERVER --name $NAME --dns-ok # Once DNS have been updated
fab sync
fab refresh --host
cf. files/ and deploy CircleCI workflow in main repository
The main NodeJS server needs some private variables for production, stored at '/home/main/mes-aides-ui/backend/config/production.js'
These variables can be fetched from the current production server with fab production-config-get
, --host can be specified but default to Then the configuration file can be put on another server with fab production-config-put --host <hostname>
An private key can ssh
to the host and it will automatically deploy the application latest version.
That private key has been added to CirclecCI (mes-aides-ui repository) to allow continuous deployment.
Development is done using Vagrant and a Debian 10 (buster).
The vagrant up
command shoudl give you a VM in a similar environment as OVH clean instance.
You have to run provisioning commands to set up the server.
Currently, it gives you:
- A MongoDB instance with default settings.
- Mes Aides on port 8000 (ExpressJS application).
- OpenFisca on port 2000 (Python via gunicorn).
- A basic monitor server
And via nginx :
- the application as a default server and on 4 host names:
- (www.)?(.)?,
- OpenFisca on 2 host names:
- (openfisca.)?(.)?,
- the monitor on 2 host names:
- (monitor.)?(.)?,
HTTPS (and associated redirection) is setup if Let's Encrypt certificates are availables (3 set of certificates)
Two different scanning services are used, in order to remove dependency on one specific provider to notify in case of a service failure. This endpoint is scanned by UptimeRobot on a 1-minute interval, and will notify the team through Slack and SMS. It is also scanned on a 2-minute interval by SetCronJob which will notify the team by email. The SetCronJob instance has to be manually rearmed (i.e. re-enabled after it gets automatically disabled on failure) when it has been triggered.