, helpers
, ui components
and icons
that we used in new version of : http://snappmarket
Hooks Found Here
Hook Name | Description |
useDebounce | 🔂 Change rapidly, do once |
useDidUpdateEffect | 🧵 Do not worry about render phase effect calls |
useFocus | 😵 Focus on every thing you want |
useForceUpdate | 👿 force update component |
useGeoLocation | 🗺 easily deal with navigator location API |
useRouteChange | 🏹 detect when react router dom route changes |
useTimer | ⏱ easily handle timing |
UI Components found here
Component | Description |
Accordion | Accordion Ui component |
Alert | Alert Ui component |
Breadcrumb | Breadcrumb Ui component |
Button | Button Ui component |
Checkbox | CheckBox Ui component |
ConfirmDialog | ConfirmDialog Ui component |
Dialog | Dialog Ui component |
Grid | Grid Ui component |
GridSystem | GridSystem Ui component |
Icon | Icon Ui component |
Image | Image Ui component |
Input | Input Ui component |
InputRange | InputRange Ui component |
Range | Range Ui component |
Range | Range Ui component |
Json | Json Ui component |
Label | Label Ui component |
LinedText | LinedText Ui component |
Loading | Loading Ui component |
Modal | Modal Ui component |
OptionGroup | OptionGroup Ui component |
Radio | Radio Ui component |
Pagination | Pagination Ui component |
ProgressBar | ProgressBar Ui component |
Skeleton | Skeleton Ui component |
Slider | Slider Ui component |
TabSwitcher | TabSwitcher Ui component |
TextWrap | TextWrap Ui component |
Toggle | Toggle Ui component |
Tooltip | Tooltip Ui component |
Helpers Found Here
Helper | Methods |
ArrayHelpers | arrayItemAddProp ,flattenArray ,serializeObject ,stringifyArray ,deepFlatten |
CookieHelpers | getCookie , setCookie |
DebugHelpers | delog , ApiError , globalErrorCatcher |
HttpHelpers | fetchWithTimeOut , universalCall |
JsonHelpers | recursiveJsonParse |
MapHelpers | isLocationInIran |
NumberHelpers | persianNumber , englishNumber , generateKey , cellphoneValidate , cellphoneValidatePattern , currencyPrice |
ObjectHelpers | removeByKey , flattenObject , makeCookieString , safeObjectPropertyRead , getNextProp |
OSHelpers | getOSName , getAgent |
PromiseHelpers | racePromise , makeTimeout , emptyPromise |
ProxyHelpers | onChangeReflector |
ReduxHelpers | actionMaker , normalizeActionType , configPersistor |
StorageHelpers | getLocalStorageData |
StringHelpers | stringReplace , bulkStringReplace |
TemplateHelpers | HexToRgb , defineForegroundColor , makeRgba , decideMeasurement , makeShadow |
WindowHelpers | getPathName , getWindowSize |
Icons found here
Icon name | Description |
CoinsIcon | |
DeleteIcon | |
EditIcon | |
EmptyBasketIcon | |
InstagramIcon | |
LocationIcon | |
LogoutIcon | |
MapMarkerIcon | |
PencilIcon | |
PlusIcon | |
SearchIcon | |
ShoppingBasketIcon | |
ShoppingCartIcon | |
ThIcon | |
TickIcon | |
TrashIcon | |
TwitterIcon | |
UserIcon | |
VendorIcon | |
SnappMarketLogo | |
----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
DissatisfiedEmoji | |
HappyEmoji | |
LaughEmoji | |
NormalEmoji | |
SadEmoji | |
----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
BoxWithTickIcon | |
GroceryBagIcon | |
ListSearchIcon | |
MotorcyleIcon | |
ShoppingBasketIcon | |
----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
AngleDownIcon | |
AngleLeftIcon | |
AngleRightIcon | |
AngleUpIcon | |
ArrowDownIcon | |
ArrowLeftIcon | |
ArrowRightIcon | |
ArrowUpIcon | |
BasketNotAllowedIcon | |
BikeOIcon | |
BinocularsIcon | |
BoxIcon | |
CalendarIcon | |
CategoriesIcon | |
CategoriesOIcon | |
CellphoneIcon | |
CheckMarkIcon | |
CircleIcon | |
ClockIcon | |
ClockOIcon | |
CommentIcon | |
CreditCardIcon | |
CrossIcon | |
DigitsIcon | |
DiscountIcon | |
EnvelopeIcon | |
ExportIcon | |
FilterIcon | |
HeartIcon | |
HomeIcon | |
LogoutIcon | |
LoopIcon | |
MapMarkerIcon | |
MapMarkerAddIcon | |
MapMarkerOIcon | |
MenuIcon | |
MinusIcon | |
OrdersHistoryIcon | |
PaperRocketIcon | |
PaperRocketOIcon | |
PencilIcon | |
PencilEditIcon | |
PictureIcon | |
PlusIcon | |
RingIcon | |
SearchIcon | |
ShareIcon | |
ShoppingBasketIcon | |
ShoppingListIcon | |
ShoppingListSquareIcon | |
SortIcon | |
SpinnerIcon | |
SqureIcon | |
StoreIcon | |
SupportIcon | |
TrashIcon | |
TrashOIcon | |
UserAddIcon | |
UserOIcon | |
UserIcon | |
WalletIcon | |
WarningSign |
Copyright (c) 2020 @snappmarket
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: