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Tools to aid with mewbot development.


While developing mewbot we built a number of tools to assist with development. This mostly consist of tool chains for

  • running the linters
  • building dev venvs (still forthcoming)
  • building the docs (still forthcoming)
  • gather and run the tests

The aim of these tools is that, if you run them on a code base, you should end up with something which conforms to mewbot's guidelines.


The dev tools uses path based auto-discovery to locate the relevant code. Python modules will be discovered in ./src and ./plugins/*/src. Test cases will be discovered in ./tests and ./plugins/*/tests.

If your project is in that src-dir layout, you can install the dev tools and then run any of the toolchains.

pip install mewbot-dev-tools

mewbot-install-deps  # Install dependencies from discovered requirements.txt

mewbot-preflight # Run all of the toolchains below

mewbot-lint  # Code style and type linting, using black/flake/ruff/mypy/pylint
mewbot-reuse # Licensing information check, using reuse
mewbot-test  # Run discovered test suites, using pytest
mewbot-security-analysis  # Discover potential security bugs using badnit

mewbot-annotate  # Convert output data into GitHub annotations

We also recommend that you setup mewbot-prefilght as a pre-commit or pre-push hook.

Future Work

  • Ability to opt-out for some linters in pyproject.toml
  • Work to discover locations based on pyproject.toml