Simple consumer for Bagheera messages stored in Kafka which writes data to stdout and offsets to stderr.
Requires following libraries under lib/ subdir.
- jopt-simple-3.2.jar
- kafka-0.7.1.jar
- log4j-1.2.15.jar
- protobuf-java-2.4.1.jar
- scala-library.jar
- snappy-java-
- zkclient-0.1.jar
- zookeeper-3.3.4.jar
- bagheera-0.15.jar
- fastjson-1.1.39.jar
To run / test the consumer:
- Update with relevant values for your environment
- Download latest Jython standalone jar (jython-2.7-b3)
- Generate initial offsets using any existing data or use
- Run :)
# fetch latest offset(s)
java -cp jython-standalone-2.7-*.jar org.python.util.jython > file_containing_offsets
# replace MAXHEAP with appropriate heapsize (ex: no of brokers * no of partitions * 64MB * 1.5)
java -XmxMAXHEAP -cp jython-standalone-2.7-*.jar org.python.util.jython file_containing_offsets 2>>file_containing_offsets
Data is written to stdout as space separated values consisting of request_type, timestamp_millis, ip_addr and payload
Offset data is periodically written to stderr as dict serialized to json containing the keys partition, topic, metrics, offset, hostname and time_millis