Restaurant app inspiration demo for Android from uplabs.
- Navigate to La-Delice-Android
- Clone locally using:
git clone
- Open project using Android studio, then wait until project syncs and builds successfuly.
- Run App using Android studio.
I have used MVP architecture to build the App structure with only remote data source with offline server mock for API calls. Also I have used the following frameworks:
- RxJava: for handling fetching data.
- Retrofit: for handling network calls.
- Glide: for handling image loading and caching.
- Gson: for Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back.
- Android support libraries like AppCompat, Design, CardView, RecyclerView.
- Android testing frameworks like jUnit, Mockito, Hamcrest, Espresso.
- A utility module for common android helper classes.
As I mentioned before I've used MVP architecture as follows:
├── data # data layer which uses a repository design pattern for handling reading from multiple sources.
│ ├── model # network java models.
│ ├── remote # remote data source files.
│ ├── local # local data sources files. ** Not supported in this project **
│ ├── ..... # base data source interface and its implementation classes.
├── view # view and presentaion layer which includes all UI required files and preseters.
│ ├── adapter # has all adapters and helper classes.
│ ├── menu # has MenuActivity and it's presenter and contract.
│ ├── model # has all view models only.
│ ├── ..... # has other activities like AboutActivity, HomeActivity and ContactActivity.