MapReduce jobs to be run on mozilla/telemetry-server for grabbing fennec telemetry.
To run a MapReduce job:
Visit and launch a worker with your public SSH key
Login to machine with SSH command given (wait about 5 mins for keys to propogate)
Clone this repo in the home directory and run the job:
$ git clone # with and my_filter.json as files in jobs/ and filters/ $ ./fennec-telemetry/ -j my_job -f my_filter
Get results!
See all options: ./fennec-telemetry/ -h
Make a pull request if you would like to add a new job or filter!
- You may find this base job helpful for creating new jobs that process the event / session stream from Fennec's UI telemetry.
- UITelemetry didn't start reporting on nightly until 20140404 (the start date in the base filter).