A collection of quotes, articles, books and links that I've found helpful or influential.
"Whatever you do, do it with enough pride that you'd sign your name to it." — Jack Fairfield
"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier." — Colin Powell
"Communication at scale is the hardest problem a company will face."
“Your job is not done until the job is done.”
“No matter your title, it is your job to make the people around you feel cared about, empowered, encouraged, and humanized.” — Adam Brault
"Building a solid sense of how someone else perceives the world takes work." — @mike_daws
"I’ve learned firsthand that excellence in one area of my life promotes excellence in all other areas of my life." — Joshua Steimle, Why Exercising Is More Important Than My Career
"Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride." — Eddy Merckx
"Right is right; wrong is wrong." — Jack Fairfield
"As soon as you stop learning, resign and move on. Working with highly intelligent people who are constantly teaching you things is a crucial part of of self development." - Alex Maccaw, 'When you should quit your job'
- UI and Capability (Ryan Singer)
- Design Heirarchy of Needs (Björn Mascarenhas)
- Heroku Values (Adam Wiggins)
- In Pursuit of Minimalism (Brandur Leach)
- Silent Leadership (Ted Goas)
- How GitHub Uses “Deprivation Testing” To Hone Product Design (Fast Co. Design)
- Don't Get Distracted (Caleb Thompson)
- Usability Heuristics for UI Design (Jakob Nielsen)
- Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow (Larry Greiner, HBR)
- Little Bets
- Crucial Accountability
- Crucial Conversations
- Reinventing Organizations
- Radical Candor
- The Shape of Design
- Don't Make Me Think
- The Design of Everyday Things
- The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
- Who
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F@ck