Poker is a distributed CLI poker game to play with your friends! Start up the application, join your friends and start playing. No server is necessary, it runs in an all masterless design.
brew install elixir
brew install erlang
brew install rebar
git clone && cd poker
mix test
mix play
Please enter your name: Joe
All commands start with a "/". To get the list of commands, type "/?" or "/help"
Do the same as above in another terminal or another computer on the same network.
/join joe@joes-imac
To see who is connected, just type /list
You can talk to any other player by simply typing anything that doesn't start with a forward slash (/).
joe@joes-imac> Hey man whats up?
fred@joes-imac> joe: Hey man whats up?
The purpose of the chat capability is to allow players to talk trash to each other.