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mh Robotics

Hobby level, non-profitable organisation for building robots for fun using ROS.

MH Robotics


The MH Robotics organization is a GitHub organization focused on developing software and hardware solutions for robotics applications. The organization provides a variety of open-source repositories related to robotics and automation, including projects related to ROS (Robot Operating System), robotics simulation, and robotics control.


The organization's repositories include a variety of projects related to robotics, such as algorithms for motion planning, object detection and tracking, and control systems. Additionally, the organization provides simulation environments for testing and developing robotics applications.


The organization encourages collaboration and welcomes contributions from developers and researchers in the field of robotics. The projects are open source and available for anyone to use and contribute to.


Overall, the organization at MH Robotics is focused on advancing the field of robotics by providing open source software and hardware solutions that enable developers to create advanced robotic systems.

Useful resources

You can find all our documentation, including project descriptions and technical guides, on our website. We also have an active community forum where you can connect with like-minded individuals and exchange ideas.


  1. manifest manifest Public

    The main repository to clone all the repositories.

  2. jimmbot_bringup jimmbot_bringup Public


  3. jimmbot_docker jimmbot_docker Public


Showing 10 of 19 repositories

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