This is a project made during the Technigo Front-end Bootcamp. The task was to create a business site with a responsive hero image/video, sign up form and accordion.
The Breakfast Club is a ficitve company that hosts breakfast events in cafés owned by small businesses.
I created a simple design in Sketch and started with mobile first approach. I started from the top with the header then when it worked i continued to the form and accordion. I've kept the form pretty basic accept from styling the button and centering the content. The accordion is my first Javascript code and i started with the basics on how to make it slide down when clicked. That is made with the Toggle function. After the code worked i added some styling with hover effect, cursor pointer, border-bottom and the symbol that changes in the left corner.
I also used a google font for the first time. If i had more time i would like to design the form more.
Here is a link to the finished project:
Hope you like it!