A curated list of dedicated resources to research 3D monocular object detection. Mostly resources is cloned from Review of Monocular 3D Object Detection by @patrick-llgc, Awesome Monocular 3D Detection by @BigTeacher-777 and Google Scholar's index.
Update Notes
- 04/18/2021: delete some columns from original repository and add some metrics from KITTI & nuScenes dataset.
Nama | Time (Vanue) | KITTI (Moderate) | nuScenes (mAP) | Predecessor | Backbone | Runtime | Environtment |
Kinematic3D | 2007 | 12.72 | --- | --- | --- | 0.12 s | 1 core @ 1.5 Ghz (C/C++) |
SMOKE | 2002 | 9.76 | --- | --- | --- | 0.03 s | GPU @ 2.5 Ghz (Python) |
M3D-RPN | 1907 (ICCV 2019) | 9.71 | --- | --- | Faster RCNN | 0.16 s | GPU @ 1.5 Ghz (Python) |
Center3D | 2005 | 9.31 | --- | --- | --- | 0.05 s | GPU @ 3.5 Ghz (Python) |
SS3D | 1906 | 7.68 | --- | --- | U-Net like arch | 48 ms | Tesla V100 (Python) |
D4LCN | 1912 | 3.42 | --- | --- | --- | 0.2 s | GPU @ 2.5 Ghz (Python + C/C++) |
Deep3DBox | 1612 (CVPR 2017) | --- | --- | Deep3DBox | MS-CNN | --- | --- |
Mono3D | 1512 (CVPR 2016) | --- | --- | Mono3D | Faster RCNN | --- | --- |
CenterNet | 1904 | --- | 0.338 | CenterNet | DLA (Unet) | --- | --- |
MonoDIS | 1905 (ICCV 2019) | --- | 0.304 | MonoGRNet | RetinaNet+2D/3D head | --- | --- |
Awesome repository
- 2019-11-26 Review of Monocular 3D Object Detection: towarddatascience and google spreadsheet.
- Awesome Monocular 3D detection by Zhikang Zou @BigTeacher-777
- KITTI Dataset Leaderboard: Official | PaperwithCode
- nuScenes Dataset Leaderboard: Official | PaperwithCode
Conferences for Image Processing & Computer Vision: guide2research.com | openaccess.thecvf.com
- CVPR: IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: http://cvpr2021.thecvf.com/
- ICCV: IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision: http://iccv2021.thecvf.com/home
- ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision: https://eccv2020.eu/
- WACV: Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision: http://wacv2021.thecvf.com/home
- 3DV: International Conference on 3D Vision: http://3dv2020.dgcv.nii.ac.jp/index.html