Execute sftp commands giving a managed ChannelSftp
Complete example:
// Create SessionFactory instance using supplied SimpleSessionFactory class
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("username", "mhewedy");
properties.setProperty("host", "");
properties.setProperty("port", "22");
properties.setProperty("password", "system");
//Thread safe class, better to cache instance of it. (e.g. as a Spring Bean)
SessionFactory sessionFactory = new SessionFactory.SimpleSessionFactory(properties);
String fileDir = "test/files/goes/here";
byte[] bytes = "Test me\n".getBytes("utf8");
// create dir recursive:
SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
SftpUtils.mkdirp(channel, fileDir);
// write a file:
String filePath = SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
String path = String.format("%s/%s.%s", fileDir, System.currentTimeMillis(), "txt");
SftpUtils.mkdirp(channel, fileDir);
channel.put(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), path);
return path;
System.out.println("file written at: " + filePath);
// download the file:
String fileContents = SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
channel.get(filePath, baos);
return new String(baos.toByteArray());
System.out.println("file contents from the server: " + fileContents);
// delete the file:
SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
// delete the empty directory:
SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
SftpUtils.rmr(channel, fileDir.split("/")[0]);
Check file is found:
SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
SftpUtils.mkdirp(channel, "path/to/new/file");
boolean findFound = SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
}catch (SftpException ex){ // only handel exception when needed
if (ex.id == ChannelSftp.SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE){
return false;
return true;
System.out.println("find found: " + findFound);
Copy File and print its content from SFTP after copy:
InputStream transfer = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("/Users/mhewedy/Work/Code/sftp-utils/README.md"));
String ftpPath = "path/to/new/file/";
String ftpFileName = "README.md2";
SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
SftpUtils.mkdirp(channel, ftpPath);
channel.put(transfer, ftpPath + ftpFileName);
String readmeFile = SftpUtils.execute(sessionFactory, channel -> {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
channel.get(ftpPath + ftpFileName, baos);
byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
return new String(bytes);
Create directory structure recursively (from mkdir -p command)
SftpUtils.mkdirp(sftpChannel, "/path/to/dir"); //absolute
SftpUtils.mkdirp(sftpChannel, "another/path/to/dir"); // relative
Removes dirs and files recursivly, starting from a dir name (same as rm -r command)
SftpUtils.rmr(sftpChannel, "/existence/path/to/remove"); // removes all files and dirs inside the "remove" directory, including "remove" directory it self.
SftpUtils.rmr(sftpChannel, "/existence/path/"); // removes all files and dirs insdie the "path" directory, including "path" directory it self.