This handbook is built on top of Jekyll
As a reminder, in order for changes to be visible, all changes need to be within the gh-pages
Reference for github pages -
Docs for development -
If you find anything wrong or would like to contribute in any way, feel free to
- create a pull request,
- open an issue, or
- send us a message.
Any and all comments are welcome!
First, make sure you have Ruby 2.x and bundler installed. Follow these instructions if not. Also you'll need a local clone of the repo.
Then, run bundle install
(from the base directory of the repo) to download and install Jekyll and its dependencies.
To build the site and start a local server, run:
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl '/guild-docs'
and you'll get Jekyll running locally on port 4000. Access it from your browser at http://localhost:4000/guild-docs/. When making changes, Jekyll will automatically rebuild when you save a file. Just reload your browser to see the latest version.
Another option, to take advantage of the dev configuration, is to run the following:
bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml
This will load the two config files and override values in the first one with values from the second.