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✅ MiaTask

Static Badge: React Static Badge: Next.js Static Badge: TypeScript Static Badge: CSS Modules

Simple and intuitive tasklist application where you can create / update / remove tasks, and also have them in a completed ✅ and/or starred ⭐ states.

🔗 Demo

🧮 Technologies / Dependencies

💎 Features

Focus on acessibility (a11y) features, such as:

📱 Responsiveness

Designed for users on any device.

🌓 Light/Dark mode

Theme automatically set to user preference through the use of media queries, or cookies which can be set through a toggle button on the interface.

🌎 Internationalization (i18n) & Localization (l10n)

User is redirected to most appropriate version of page according to locale/language preferences. Application currently supports English and Brazilian Portuguese, with the former being the default language. Users can use a navigation menu to view other language options.

⌨️ Keyboard navigation

All elements accessible through keyboard navigation. Includes useFocusTrapping, a functionality that ensures keyboard users can smoothly navigate through elements such as modals and forms without the risk of getting trapped.


Interactive elements accurately titled and aria-labeled to increase access to all publics.

🖼️ Screenshots

MiaTask App Screenshot

MiaTask App Screenshot

MiaTask App Screenshot

⚙️ Install and Run

Clone the project

> git clone

Go to the project directory

> cd my-project

Install dependencies

> npm install

Run the project

> npm run build start && npm run start

🌐 API Reference

Create task

POST /api/task

Get all tasks

GET /api/task

Remove task

DELETE /api/task/[id]

Update task

PATCH /api/task/[id]

Toggle action

PATCH /api/task/[id]/[action]
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of task to fetch
action 'complete' | 'star' Required. Action to take (complete/star task)

👩‍💻 Authors

🫶 Acknowledgements