Thanks for using the mixed element line based mesh partitioner!
Some features include:
-Input an unstructured mixed element mcell.unf, gmsh .msh file, or a ugrid file
-Detects cell based lines (prisms and hexes) and collapse the graph
-Partitions the collapsed graph using Metis (in serial) with a simple weighting for element type and line length
-Outputs the partitioned mesh into separate files with mpi schedules
-Designed for cell-based discretizations
-Some support for high order elements (p=2 tetrahedra) use gmsh manual to add new high order element types
How to use:
install metis first
modify Makefile to use your libmetis.a static library
type make
mpirun -np 4 ./partitioner.mpi -p 16 ../hc_mixed_ph.1.l8.ugrid
number of ranks does not have to match number of partitions. In the above example 4 ranks are creating 16 partitions
Limitations and things that are hard coded:
Outputs files for NSU3D mcell format only.
little/big endian is not specified because the TMR grid maker checks your system. Change this in load_mesh in two spots or compile with big/little endian option
max lines and boundary_tag is hard coded into line_module.F90
lines from hemisphere cylinder grid maker are not used since lines are detected automatically for prisms and hexes. For a mesh with tetrahedral elements and lines this will need to be modified to use the lines output from TMR hemisphere cylinder grid maker.