A fork of betterlockscreen, originally by pavanjadahaw.
- i3lock-color >= 2.11-c
- i3lock fork with additional features
- imagemagick
- To apply effects to images
- xdpyinfo, xrandr, and bc
- To find screen resolution and set custom blur level.
git clone https://github.com/thetarkus/besterlockscreen && cd besterlockscreen
sudo make install
Run besterlockscreen
and point it to a directory (besterlockscreen -u "path/to/dir"
) or an image (besterlockscreen -u "/path/to/img.jpg"
) and that's all. besterlockscreen
will update its cache with the image you provide.
Important: Update the image cache (besterlockscreen -u path/to/image.jpg).
Image cache must be updated to initially configure or update wallpaper used.
See: https://github.com/thetarkus/besterlockscreen for more info...
-h, --help
For help (besterlockscreen -h or besterlockscreen --help).
-u, --update
to update image cache, you should do this before using any other options
`besterlockscreen -u path/to/image.png` when image.png is custom background
Or you can use besterlockscreen -u path/to/imagedir and a random file will be selected.
Specify the default image path with the $LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE variable.
pywal: if no value is given and variable is not set, your wallpaper will be used.
-l, --lock
to lock screen (besterlockscreen -l)
you can also use dimmed or blurred background for lockscreen.
`besterlockscreen -l dim` (for dimmed background)
`besterlockscreen -l blur` (for blurred background)
`besterlockscreen -l dimblur` (for dimmed + blurred background)
Specify the default effect with the $LOCKSCREEN_EFFECT environment variable.
-e, --effects
to be used after -u
select effects to generate; leave unset to generate all effects
`besterlockscreen -e "blur,dim"`
`besterlockscreen -e "dim"`
-r, --resolution
to be used after -u
used to set a custom resolution for the image cache.
`besterlockscreen -u path/to/image.png -r 1920x1080`
`besterlockscreen -u path/to/image.png --resolution 3840x1080`
-b, --blur
to be used after -u
used to set blur intensity. Default to 1.
`besterlockscreen -u path/to/image.png -b 3`
`besterlockscreen -u path/to/image.png --blur 0.5`
-t, --text
to set custom lockscreen text (max 31 chars)
`besterlockscreen -l dim -t "Don't touch my machine!"`
`besterlockscreen --text "Hi, user!" -s blur`
Specify the default text with the $LOCKSCREEN_TEXT variable.
-f, --time-format
to set custom time format (max 31 chars)
`besterlockscreen -l dim -f "%r"`
`besterlockscreen --time-format "%H:%M:%S" -s blur`
Specify the default format with the $LOCKSCREEN_TIME_FORMAT variable.
# Updating Image Cache
# ** Required before activating lockscreen **
# Generate image from filepath
besterlockscreen -u ~/Pictures/Bird.jpg
# Generate image from randomly selected file in path
besterlockscreen -u ~/Pictures
# Use environment variable as an alternative
export LOCKSCREEN_IMAGE="~/Pictures/Bird.jpg"
besterlockscreen -u
# Using a custom resolution and blur range
besterlockscreen -u ~/Pictures/Bird.jpg -r 2560x1440 -b 2
# Lockscreen
# Activate lockscreen without any effects
besterlockscreen -l
# Activate lockscreen with an effect
besterlockscreen -l [dim|blur|dimblur]
bindsym $mod+shift+x exec besterlockscreen -l dim
# lockscreen
alt + shift + x
besterlockscreen -l dim