This is not a stable repository. The API and the modules will be subject to heavy changes and not all Paypal Adaptive endpoints are covered. FundedByMe will help make the covering of the Pay, Preapproval and IPN endpoints as good as possible but we might not have the resources to perfect this project.
Making Preapprovals and using them to create Payments is fully supported and tested as long as IPN is turned on. Creating Payments without Preapprovals might not work in this version.
Please reach out to us if you're interested in helping maintaining this package.
Possible values are:
'new' # Payment only exists locally
'created' # Payment exists on Paypal
'error' # Something along the process has gone wrong. Check status_detail
# for more info.
'returned' # User has returned via the Payment return_url
'completed' # The Payment is complete
'refunded' # The Payment is refunded
'canceled' # The Payment has been canceled
Possible values are:
'new' # Preapproval only exists locally — not known to Paypal
'created' # Preapproval has been saved on Paypal
'error' # Something has gone wrong, check status_detail for more info
'returned' # User has returned via the Preapproval return_url
'approved' # Preapproval is completed — ready to be used in payment
'canceled' # Preapproval has been canceled
'used' # Preapproval has been used in payment
The status describes
Set whether tests should be run with built-in mocking responses and requests or if the testing should spawn requests that hits Paypal's APIs directly. Defaults to True. Override in your settings file like this:
from buzzcar.accounting.views import view_that_asks_for_money
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url, include
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^payment/$', view_that_asks_for_money, name="payment"),
url(r'^paypal/', include('paypaladaptive.urls')),
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.http import HttpResponseServerError, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template.context import RequestContext
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET
from money.Money import Money
from paypaladaptive import settings, forms
from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def view_that_asks_for_money(request):
payment = Payment(amount=Money('5.00'), purchaser=request.user)
if not payment.process(request):
# TODO: unable to process payment
logger.error('Payment returned error during processing: %s' % payment.status_detail)
return HttpResponseServerError("Unexpected error")
if not settings.USE_EMBEDDED:
return HttpResponseRedirect(payment.next_url())
form = forms.PayPalAdaptiveEmbeddedForm(payment.pay_key)
context = RequestContext(request)
template_vars = {"form": form}
return render_to_response("payment.html", template_vars, context)
templates/payment.html (not showing inheritance):
<h1>Show me the money!</h1>
<!-- writes out the form tag automatically -->
{{ form.render }}