Max 8.5
This collection of Max for Live Devices sends information about a Live-Set and it's tracks via OSC1 to other software.
OSC_Scene_Send Audio-Effect
- sends the Scene that is currently playing
- works in Session View
OSC_Locator_Send2 Audio-Effect
- sends the last locator
- sends the remaining quarter-notes until the next locator
- works in Arrangement View
OSC_Beat_Send Audio-Effect
- sends the current beat/note within one bar
- choose between quarter-, eighth-, sixteenth- or thirty-second-notes
OSC_Bar_Send Audio-Effect
- sends the bar that is currently playing
- sends currently playing MIDI-notes (pitch and velocity)
OSC_Automation_Send Audio-Effect
- sends an Automation specifically made for this device
- choose between three knobs and one button
OSC_Send.als Ableton Live Set
- Ableton Live 11
- Live Set including all the devices
- including Scenes, locators and automation to showcase all functionalities
OSC_Receive.maxpats Max Patch
- Max 8.5
- Max Patch receiving and displaying all messages from the devices in the OSC_Send-Set
Unity_OSC_Receive Unity Project
- Unity 2021.3.16f1
- Unity project receiving and displaying some messages3 from the devices in the OSC_Send-Set
- the OSC-script is taken from this Repo.
The host is set to and the port is set to 5555 by default. ↩
Part of this devices is taken from this thread in the Cycling'74 forum. ↩
Only int and float is supported at the moment. ↩