This repository provides the official implementation for the paper Locally Adaptive Neural 3D Morphable Models accepted at CVPR 2024.
Before you can run this project, you need to install the necessary dependencies. These dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt
file. Follow these steps to install them:
First, clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
cd LAMM3D_demo
It's recommended to create a Conda environment for managing your Python projects. This helps in keeping your project dependencies isolated and ensures that they don't conflict with other projects or the global Python installation.
Create a Conda environment by running the following command:
conda create --name LAMM python=3.8
Activate the Conda environment:
conda activate LAMM
With the Conda environment activated, install the project dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After the installation of dependencies is complete, you can run the project. Follow the specific instructions provided bellow for training LAMM on your own data or using pretrained models for inference.
Modify respective .yaml config files accordingly to define model architecture, data (also modify data/implemented_datasets.yaml
) and save directories.
Follow the steps below to train LAMM3D on a new dataset.
- Include the dataset as a new entry in
basedir: (str) this is the base/root directory for the new data. All provided paths should be relative to this path'
paths_train: (str) 'file with training paths (relative to basedir)'
paths_eval: (str) 'file with evaluation paths (relative to basedir)'
mean_std_file: (str) 'file (.pickle) with per-vertex mean and standard deviation values {'mean': numpy.array (N x 3), 'std': numpy.array (N x 3)}'
template: (str) 'example (.obj) train/eval sample path'
num_vertices: (int) number of vertices (N) of train and eval data samples
- add the dataset by name in new .yaml config file
dataset: DatasetName
batch_size: training batch size
dataset: DatasetName
batch_size: evaluation batch size
Train a model in 3D mesh dimensionality reduction by running:
python training/ --config <path to .yaml> --device <device id>
For successfully training a model in mesh manipulation, it is critical to initialize from a checkpoint pretrained on
dimensionality reduction. A path to pretrained checkpoint needs to be added in CHECKPOINT.load_from_checkpoint
in the configuration file. Train a model in 3D mesh manipulation by running:
python training/ --config <path to .yaml> --device <device id>
When training a model in a new dataset several files need to be created to enable manual editing or randomly sampling mesh regions. If a checkpoint is downloaded from the section below, these files will be contained in the zip file. These can also be gnerated for a new model by running:
python scripts/ --config <config .yaml file> --checkpoint <path to checkpoint.pth> --device < device id>
The following files are required:
: contains a dictionary with region numbers as keys. Each entry includes all vertices belonging to a region.region_boundaries.pickle
: contains the region boundary vertices per region for a given mesh template and is used for smoothing region boundaries during large mesh deformations.mean_std.pickle
: per-vertex mean and standard deviation of location (XYZ) over the training dataset. It is used for normalizing inputs.template.obj
: a data sample, indicates mesh topology and vertex connectivity.
Additionally, the following files will need to
: contains K (number of regions) Gaussian distributions fitted on control vertex displacements as described in sec.4.3 "Region sampling and disentanglement" of the paper.gaussian_id.pickle
: contains a dictionary with "mean" and "sigma" for a gaussian distribution fitted to training data latent codes. Can be used to sample latent codes and generate novel 3D meshes.
Download pre-trained model from google drive.
A trained model can be used to generate new random mesh samples by running:
python scripts/ --config <config .yaml file> --checkpoint_name <path to checkpoint.pth> --device <device id>
A trained model can be used to generate new random regions for mesh samples by running:
python scripts/ --config <config .yaml file> --checkpoint_name <path to checkpoint.pth> --device <device id>
In case no mesh data are available use the --generate_random_source
argument to randomly generate source 3D meshes.
Coming soon.
If you incorporate any data or code from this repository into your project, please acknowledge the source by citing the following work:
title={Locally Adaptive Neural 3D Morphable Models},
author={Michail Tarasiou and Rolandos Alexandros Potamias and Eimear O'Sullivan and Stylianos Ploumpis and Stefanos Zafeiriou},