Predefined tools and graphs for F1 telemetry and laptime statistical analysis based on Fast-F1 by theOehrly. It uses data provided by FastF1 and builds it into plots or some metrics that gives some insight into F1 races. You can find some scripts with race analysis that I have prepared.
Project currently compatible with fastf1 2.1.11
This project is started by motor racing enthusiast that on some day has decided to test his abilities in reverse engineering car performance. By no way am I a programmer, just a curious mechanical engineer with some basic knowledge about data analysis and python. I am just having fun and learning.
If you have read this far and would like to contribute feel free to reach out.
For roadmap please see projects tab, that contains all feature and bug that need to be taken care off.
to be added
Project uses: FastF1, numpy, pandas, joypy, scipy, matplotlib, and alive_progress