A library providing site quality tests.
The library depends on:
- composer
- php: >= 7.2
- league/uri: ^5.3
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.3
- psr/log: ^1.0
- psr/http-message: ^1.0
- symfony/dom-crawler: ~3.4|~4.0
- symfony/css-selector: ~3.4|~4.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher: ~3.4|~4.0 (OPTIONAL, to use built in event system)
The project is not meant to be publicly available, therefore please add the repository URL to your composer.json file:
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "https://example.com/siteqa/test" }
IMPORTANT: Please replace "https://example.com/siteqa/test" with the real repository URL.
Then run:
composer require siteqa/test
Tests can be executed by running:
vendor/bin/phpunit tests
The library is divided into two main categories of classes:
Used to acquire data for further analysis. The following providers are available:
Allows to perform HTTP(s) requests to specified URLs and returns information about the response, redirects and the request itself.
The provider can be used in synchronous and asynchronous mode.
// autoload goes here...
use GuzzleHttp\Client as Guzzle;
use Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Uri;
use Siteqa\Test\Provider\HttpSuiteProvider;
$guzzle = new Guzzle();
$provider = new HttpSuiteProvider($guzzle);
$uri = Uri::createFromString('https://example.com');
$httpSuite = $provider->provideSync($uri);
// Do something with the result
// autoload goes here...
use GuzzleHttp\Client as Guzzle;
use Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\HttpSuite;
use Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Uri;
use Siteqa\Test\Provider\HttpSuiteProvider;
$guzzle = new Guzzle();
$provider = new HttpSuiteProvider($guzzle);
$uri = Uri::createFromString('https://example.com');
$promise = $provider->provideAsync($uri, function (HttpSuite $httpSuite) {
// Do seomething with the result
Allowed provider methods:
- setTimeout(int $timeout): self - time in seconds after which the request is aborted.
- setMaxRedirects(int $redirects): self - max number of redirects after which the request is aborted.
- provideSync(Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Uri $uri): Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\HttpSuite - performs a synchronous HTTP call and returns gathered information
- provideAsync(Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Uri $uri, callable $onFinish): GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface - performs a asynchronous HTTP call and returns a promise.
Allows to crawl websites and return information about all the performed HTTP calls.
// autoload goes here...
use GuzzleHttp\Client as Guzzle;
use Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Uri;
use Siteqa\Test\Provider\CrawlerResultProvider;
use Siteqa\Test\Provider\HttpSuiteProvider;
$guzzle = new Guzzle();
$httpSuiteProvider = new HttpSuiteProvider($guzzle);
$crawlerResultProvider = new CrawlerResultProvider($httpSuiteProvider);
// OPTIONAL: ignore some of the URIs that were provided or found inside
// HTTP responses
$crawlerResultProvider->addUriFilter(function (Uri $uri) {
return $uri->__toString() !== 'https://example.com/some-subpage';
$initialUris = [
$allowedHosts = ['example.com', 'www.example.com'];
$crawlerResult = $crawlerResultProvider->provide($initialUris, $allowedHosts);
foreach ($crawlerResult as $httpSuite) {
// Do something with each item
Allowed providerMethods:
- setPoolSize(int $poolSize): self - defines the number of concurrent HTTP that could be executed
- setRecursive(bool $recursive): self - defines if the crawler should include all found all links in the HTML source and call them too.
- setIgnoreScheme(bool $ignoreScheme): self - used when recursive crawling is enabled. To avoid calling the same URIs more than once, the crawler will check if a URI was already stored in it's memory. This flag will allow to ignore scheme differences when checking if the URI was already called. For example, when dealing with 2 URIs: https://example.com and http://example.com, having the flag enabled, will cause to call only the first URI, having the flag disabled wll cause to call both.
- setIgnoreFragment(bool $ignoreFragment): self - works similar to setIgnoreScheme but ignores the fragment part of the URI when checking if URI was already called.
- setCaseSensitive(bool $caseSensitive): self - works similar to setIgnoreScheme, if set, will not call 2 similar URIs twice, if they differed only with the case.
- addUriFilter(callable $filter): self - allows to ignore URIs found by the Crawler by providing a callback function. If
is returned from the callback function, the URI will be filtered out and not called by the Crawler.
Allows to scrape URIs stored inside sitemap.xml.
// autoload goes here...
use GuzzleHttp\Client as Guzzle;
use Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Uri;
use Siteqa\Test\Domain\Model\Sitemap;
use Siteqa\Test\Provider\SitemapResultProvider;
use Siteqa\Test\Provider\HttpSuiteProvider;
$guzzle = new Guzzle();
$httpSuiteProvider = new HttpSuiteProvider($guzzle);
$sitemapResultProvider = new SitemapResultProvider($httpSuiteProvider);
$sitemap = new Sitemap(Uri::createFromString('https://example.com/sitemap.xml'));
$sitemapResult = $sitemapResultProvider->provide($sitemap);
/** @var Uri $uri */
foreach ($sitemapResult->getUris() as $uri) {
// Do something with each item
Used to check if data returned by providers adheres to the requirements.
Each Test
returns a TestResult
. A TestResult
can have one of the following statuses:
- ok
- suspicious
- warning
- error
- critical
Checks if HTTP call was redirected to HTTPs scheme.
// (..) prepare the HttpSuiteProvider
use Siteqa\Test\Test\HttpHttpsRedirectTest;
$httpSuite = $httpSuiteProvider->provideSync($uri);
$test = new HttpHttpsRedirectTest($httpSuite);
$testResult = $test->execute();
echo $testResult->getStatus() // Outputs a status string like 'ok', 'error'...
echo HttpHttpsRedirectTest::getMessageBuilder()->buildMessage($testResult); // Outputs human readable info.
Checks if the HTTP response comes from the same domain as the request was made? Usage is similar to HttpHttpsRedirectTest.
Checks if there were any Exceptions thrown during the HTTP request. Usage is similar to HttpHttpsRedirectTest.
Checks if there were any exceptions thrown during the HTTP request that are related to SSL. Usage is similar to HttpHttpsRedirectTest.
Checks if the response URI path is the same as the request URI path. Usage is similar to HttpHttpsRedirectTest.
Checks if the response code was HTTP 200. Usage is similar to HttpHttpsRedirectTest.
Checks if the response came within an acceptable time period.
// (..) prepare the HttpSuiteProvider
use Siteqa\Test\Test\HttpValidResponseTimeTest;
$httpSuite = $httpSuiteProvider->provideSync($uri);
$errorTime = 1500; // 1500 milliseconds
$warningTime = 1000; // 1000 milliseconds
$test = new HttpValidResponseTimeTest($httpSuite, $errorTime, $warningTime);
$testResult = $test->execute();
echo $testResult->getStatus() // Outputs a status string like 'ok', 'warning', error'...
echo HttpValidResponseTimeTest::getMessageBuilder()->buildMessage($testResult); // Outputs human readable info.
Checks if the provided sitemap holds any URIs.
// (..) prepare the SitemapResultProvider and sitemap
use Siteqa\Test\Test\SitemapNonEmptyTest;
$sitemapResult = $sitemapResultProvider->provide($sitemap);
$test = new SitemapNonEmptyTest($sitemapResult);
$testResult = $test->execute();
echo $testResult->getStatus() // Outputs a status string like 'ok', 'warning', error'...
echo SitemapNonEmptyTest::getMessageBuilder()->buildMessage($testResult); // Outputs human readable info.
Checks if all the URIs available in the sitemap are lowercase. Usage is similar to SitemapUrisLowercaseTest.
Checks if all the URIs available in the sitemap are absolute URIs. Usage is similar to SitemapUrisLowercaseTest.
Checks if all the URIs available in the sitemap point to the same domain from which te sitemap was requested. Usage is similar to SitemapUrisLowercaseTest.
Checks if all the URIs available in the sitemap use the same scheme that was used to request the sitemap. Usage is similar to SitemapUrisLowercaseTest.
Checks if all the URIs available in the sitemap are unique. Usage is similar to SitemapUrisLowercaseTest.
- Michał Hepner michal.hepner@gmail.com - design and implementation
Copyright (C) Michał Hepner - All Rights Reserved
- Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited
- Proprietary and confidential
- Written by Michał Hepner michal.hepner@gmail.com, July 2018