Write a C program that recreates the piping functionality of a shell. The following features should be implemented:
Numerous commands:
< file1 cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 ... | cmdn > file2
-->./pipex file1 cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 ... cmdn file2
heredoc functionality:
cmd1 << LIMITER | cmd2 >> file
-->./pipex here_doc LIMITER cmd1 cmd2 file
ATTENTION: If you use a command with flags, enclose it in quotation marks (./pipex infile "cat -e" "cat -e" outfile)
git clone https://github.com/michmos/42_pipex.git && cd 42_pipex
./pipex input_file "cat -e" "cat -e" "cat -e" "cat -e" output_file
./pipex input_file "ls -l -a" "cat -e -n" output_file
./pipex input_file "ls -l -a -f" "cat -e -n" output_file
./pipex here_doc "EOF" "cat -e" "wc -l" output_file
The input file needs to be created before running the commands
I also wrote a bash tester that compares the behaviour of the program with the actual shell piping. You can find it here: