I am a student at the University of Oxford studying Mathematics and Computer Science. I enjoy learning new programming concepts and languages by using them in projects that I do in my spare time. Unfortunately, I don't get much free time to spend on projects since starting my studies at Oxford, although that does mean that I can spend most of my time formally studying what I enjoy.
I achieved A*s in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science A-levels, as well as in an EPQ on sharing memory safely across threads.
You can find my profile on LinkedIn.
- Java
- Javascript/CSS/HTML
- React
- Python
- Haskell
- Next.js
- C++
- Rust
- C#
- Scala
- Vim
- Linux
- Git
- Docker
- 2023 FIRST Robotics Competition - I was one of the two people who formed the core of the programming team. We were ranked second out of 48 teams by our performance in the autonomous mode, according to The Blue Alliance
- 2023 FIRST Tech Challenge - I contributed an implementation of a holonomic drivetrain that controlled its angle using PID.
- Filephile - a customisable command-line file manager written in rust.
- CyberVolunteers v2 - the second and final version of the CyberVolunteers website. I wrote the backend using Node.js (specifically, with Next.js) and worked on some of the frontend. Unfortunately, the website was shut down because the people working on the project became busier.
- 2022 FIRST Tech Challenge - I was one of the two programmers who wrote code for the two robots from our school that were competing.
- 2021-2022 astropi code - the code we sent to the ISS during the 2021-2022 astropi competition.
- Social app - A toy project I wrote to get experience with Next.js and Docker Compose.
- CyberVolutneers v1 - the first version of the code for the CyberVolunteers project. I wrote all of the backend and some of the frontend.
- Db - A toy project I used to practice using C++. The database accepts HTTP connections.
- 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition - our code for the 2020 FIRST Robotics Competition.
- Chat - a basic chat app written using Node.js and JQuery.
- Processing sketches - a collection of projects I was coding along these videos to learn processing, a java framework
- p5.js sketches - a collection of projects I was coding along these videos to learn javascript
British Informatics Olympiad paper
I have scored more than 50% in the British Informatics Olympiad twice (with the maximum of 60%); I also achieved the best score in the school.
I have been working with a team of Brighton College’s Digital Ambassadors to teach children outside of Brighton College programming. I have also volunteered to help a person from a younger year of Brighton College with learning how to code in python.
Since the last time this page has been updated, I have solved 88 problems. These problems have encouraged me to look more into optimising computation using dynamic programming and other techniques, requiring a combination of problem solving skills, a knowledge of mathematics and using programming as a tool of thought.