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Releases: microsoft/react-native-code-push


04 Jul 07:48
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue when React native app on Android fails to restart after an update, crashing #910


04 Jul 07:41
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue when React native app on Android fails to restart after an update, crashing #910


28 Jun 11:59
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Breaking Changes

  1. Current version of React Native Code Push is compatible with RN 0.45x versions only (#901)

Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix dependency issue with codepush.gradle (#902) Thanks @mikelambert

  2. Improved logic for searching plist path (case when package name is not equal to iOS ProductName) (#903)

  3. [WPF] Fix application crash when storage file was deleted while app is being active. (#897) Thanks @abodalevsky

  4. [WPF:Windows] Added ability to update application installed in Program Files folder (#813) Thanks @abodalevsky

  5. [Windows] Implemented TelemetryManager (#812) Thanks @abodalevsky

  6. Fix typo in resourcesDirConfigName path configuration in codepush.gradle file (#876)

Document Upgrade

  1. Fixed incorrect link reference (#900)

  2. Removed @latest from npm install (#889) Thanks @GantMan

  3. Fixed import example for #import <React/RCTLog.h> (#884) @nerdmed


07 Jun 08:34
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New Features and Improvements

  1. Allow custom node path (#860) Thanks @iacopo87

  2. Use project.ext.react root prop to specify node_modules path (#869)

  3. Improved logic to show error msg dependent on debug/release config (#811)

  4. Improved gradle temp file naming strategy to allow concurrent android builds (#857) Thanks @oliversommer

  5. Avoid to set refs on stateless components (#866) Thanks @farwayer

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue with error on parsing plist path (#842)

  2. Fixed packageHash not passed to /updateCheck on Android (#803) Thanks @jiaminglu

  3. Fixed issue with [Android] restartApp() throwing exception w/ release build (#861)

  4. Fixed return value for get update metadata (#864)
    Important: return type for getUpdateMetadata was changed to null instead of empty string to be consistent with iOS implementation and docs

  5. Fixed issue with attempt to invoke virtual method 'char[] java.lang.String.toCharArray()' on a null object reference (#795) Thanks @AndrewJack

  6. Fixed [Android] App restart loop when using InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESUME (#841) Thanks @AndrewJack

Document Upgrade

  1. Improved README doc (#794, #830) Thanks @almirfilho, @MichalRemis


03 May 08:02
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New Features

  1. Implement new ON_NEXT_SUSPEND install mode (#770) (@sergey-akhalkov)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix issue when CodePush update crashes silently on iOS #816 (@minhtc)
  2. Bump code-push dependency to fix warnings from yarn regarding node-uuid (#796) (@max-mironov)
  3. Fix issue when CodePush won't install updates if an error occurs in codePushStatusDidChange and downloadProgressCallback methods (#787) (@sergey-akhalkov)


05 May 05:35
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fix issue when CodePush update crashes silently on iOS #816 (@minhtc)


11 Apr 07:38
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a couple of new compilation errors that occurred when building iOS app extensions (#783).


04 Apr 17:57
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Breaking Changes

Due to platform changes, react-native-code-push@2.x.x will only support react-native@0.43.0 and onwards. Users on react-native@0.42.x and lower should consult our compatibility table to determine the latest react-native-code-push version to install.

New Features

  1. This release adds support for React Native 0.43 (@sergey-akhalkov, @Silhouettes, @nihgwu)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed state issue #765 where SyncStatus would transition to UP_TO_DATE prior to an update being installed.

  2. Bumped XCode dependency in package.json, bump should eliminate some warning messages #776.


23 Mar 00:01
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This is a small bug fix release. Thank you to @ymusiychuk-lohika, @buptkang, @abodalevsky, @max-mironov, @sergey-akhalkov, @timscott and @legalosLOTR for your contributions since the last release!

Bug Fixes (Android)

  1. Fix build issues by reverting Android SDK Build Tools version to 23.0.1, the version specified in the React Native docs.
  2. Address Flow type checking error caused by CodePush hash file being named CodePushHash.json despite not containing JSON.

Bug Fixes (Windows)

  1. Fix an exception caused by the destination folder already existing when unzipping packages.
  2. Fix an exception thrown when the ProcessorID property cannot be determined.

Note that support for react-native@0.43.0 is coming, and will be introduced in v2.0.0-beta!


28 Feb 02:12
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New Feature

  1. Added React Native Windows dotNet46 support #684, thanks @abodalevsky and @rozele.

Bug Fixes

  1. (Android) Fixed the issue #650 that the timestamp returned in getBinaryResourcesModifiedTime() always returns 312796800000 (11/30/1979, 12:00:00 AM). Thanks @sergey-akhalkov.
  2. (Both iOS and Android) Fixed the issue #574 that AsyncStorage(get/set...) operation will be blocked while downloading the bundle. Thanks @sergey-akhalkov.
  3. (iOS) Fixed the issue #661 that react-native link bug when using firebase . Thanks @max-mironov.

Document Upgrade

Since the documentation becomes more complex, we decomposed the document to have a better user experience. Thanks @jeremistadler.