title | TOCTitle | ms:assetid | ms:mtpsurl | ms:contentKeyID | author | ms.date | mtps_version | f1_keywords | audience | ms.search.region | ||||||||||||
Set up deduction management |
Set up deduction management |
dae57027-b5f6-467d-9850-0259d5abfcb0 |
62200168 |
tonyafehr |
04/18/2014 |
v=AX.60 |
Application User |
Global |
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
This topic describes how to set up the deduction workbench so that you can process customer payments that include deductions.
A customer who is owed a rebate can decide not to wait for a rebate payout. Instead, the customer can send a payment that includes a deduction for the amount of the rebate. To handle this type of transaction, you can use the deduction workbench to match deductions to open credit transactions, split deductions, deny deductions, and write off deductions.
Before you can use the workbench, you must set up a deduction journal, deduction types, deduction denial reasons, and deduction write-off reasons.
You must specify a deduction journal in the Trade allowance management parameters form. This journal is used to match, deny, or write off deductions. You can also specify whether the journal is posted manually or automatically.
To specify a deduction journal, follow these steps.
Click Trade allowance management > Setup > Trade allowance management parameters.
On the Deductions FastTab, in the Deduction journal name field, select a journal.
You can create deduction types to describe the various types of rebates that customers might use.
To set up deduction types, follow these steps.
Click Trade allowance management > Setup > Deductions > Deduction types.
Click New, and then enter a name and description for the deduction type. In the Deduction offset field, select the offset account to use when you post, match, or write off a deduction.
Repeat step 2 to create all the deduction types that you require.
You can set up reason codes to describe the various reasons for denying a deduction in the deduction workbench.
To set up deduction denial reasons, follow these steps.
Click Trade allowance management > Setup > Deductions > Deduction denial reasons.
Click New, and then enter a reason code and a description.
Repeat step 2 to add all the reason codes that you require.
You can set up reason codes to describe the various reasons for writing off a deduction in the deduction workbench.
To set up deduction write-off reasons, follow these steps.
Click Trade allowance management > Setup > Deductions > Deduction write-off reasons.
Click New, and then enter a reason code and a description.
Enter the maximum write-off amount that is allowed for the reason code. A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum amount.
Enter the main account to use for posting in the ledger.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add all the reason codes that you require.
After you set up a deduction journal, deduction types, and reason codes, you can use the deduction workbench. For more information, see Manage deductions in the deduction workbench.
Setting up and maintaining customer rebates
If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.
Category |
Prerequisite |
Configuration keys |
Trade allowance management configuration key |
Security roles and duties |
Collections manager |