- protoc ( this is doing the proto parsing magic and comes with bunch of default compilers ootb :
- protoc-gen-go ( plugin to generate go code from proto : )
- protoc-gen-grpc-web ( plugin to create javascript grpc stub : )
- npm ( get out javascript dependencies )
- webpack / webpack-cli ( bundle dependencies of gprc-web + own client into a single file )
- envoy ( proxy grpc-web traffic to the grpc server )
create a new project
go mod init
create a protobuf contract
mkdir contract touch contract/contract.proto
now let's create the corresponding sources:
# use protoc, generate go files including the grpc stub and make the path relative to where it should be protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:. contract/contract.proto
now let's build the service. first we need to get some dependencies
# in this step we download half of the internet go get -u # we don't need this, but it'll give us some nice extras go get -u # get some logs going for us go get -u
now let's create the web stuff
# create the folders that we will need mkdir -p js/src/contract # similar to what we did with the go source, let's create the js sources now protoc -I=./contract contract/contract.proto --js_out=import_style=commonjs:js/src/contract --grpc-web_out=import_style=commonjs,mode=grpcweb:js/src/contract cd js # now let's get to the hacky part, use webpack to create js that we can load inside the server npm init -y npm install --save-dev npx google-protobuf grpc-web webpack webpack-cli # create our client npx webpack --mode=development --output-library="grpcwebexample"
let's get it running
# last but not least, we need to proxy the web-request to the web endpoint docker build -f Dockerfile.envoy -t grpcwebexample/envoy . docker run --net=host grpcwebexample/envoy