LaiQ, which stands for ‘Looking for Adept Intelligence Quotient’, is a program initiated by Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) to encourage and facilitate employment opportunities for cutting-edge talents and well-educated Afghan nationals to join DABS. Through this program, DABS intends to identify professional talents to provide employment opportunities for thousands of educated and competent youth by joining DABS, and transform this entity into one of the dynamic institutions in Afghanistan.
- C#
- SQL Server
- Jquery
- Jqwidgets
- Boostrap
👤 Miftah Amin
- GitHub: @miftah1991
- Twitter: @miftah_amin1991
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
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- A special thanks to Microverse for inspiring this project. We are indebted to you all at Microverse
- A special thanks goes to all our peers at Microverse for being there for us.