This project provides the necessary package to use up to 4 Mpr121 touch sensors connected to the Ft232h board with Ros
To use that source code you must have ROS version which use python3 or configure yours (if you use ROS Melodic or earlier) it to allow to work with
- Ft232h board
- 4 mpr121 sensors (you can modifie script to allow the nunber of sensors that you need)
- Install ROS
Each touch sensor have 12 channels and provide:
- Id of sensor that's concerned (called sensor_id)
- Id number of channel that's concerned (called channel_id)
- For the corresponding sensor and channel Id :
- Raw touch value (called val_raw)
- Bool touch value (called touchval)
the necessary installations are provided by Adafruit
- Install FT232h
- sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-mpr121
Create your workspace
You have to do " export BLINKA_FT232H=1 "
So as not to execute this line every time you want to run your code add it to your devel/setup.bash or your ./bashrc file