Repository for a video recorder used in the MigrAVE project
The package contains two nodes:
- migrave_video_recorder
- Video recorder for QTrobot's internal Intel RealSense D455 camera
- migrave_webcam_recorder
- Video recorder for the two external Logitech C930e usb webcams.
- std_msgs
- cv_bridge
- usb_cam
- python-opencv
- realsense2-camera
Launch the two recorder nodes:
roslaunch migrave_video_recorder migrave_video_recorder.launch
Launcn the ROS driver for the two webcams (if they are connected):
roslaunch migrave_video_recorder usb_cam_both.launch
Note: the two cameras are assumed to be mounted as /dev/video6
and /dev/video8
, respectively.
Launch the official Intel ROS driver realsense2-camera
for the RealSense camera (remember to disable qt_nuitrack_app
roslaunch migrave_video_recorder rs_camera.launch
Note: it is recommended to use the Intel ROS driver realsense2-camera
instead of the built-in qt_nuitrack_app
. Because the Intel ROS driver is able to publish messages at the relevant image topics at a fixed frequency (30 Hz, here). While, the qt_nuitrack_app
publishes messages at the image topics at a varying frequency (22-28 Hz) as it is using a roscpp
's timer which is not hard realtime timer. The video recorder requires image messages published at a fixed frequency, otherwise the video length will be different from the actual time length.
Start recording
rostopic pub /migrave_data_recorder/is_record std_msgs/Bool "True"
Stop recording
rostopic pub /migrave_data_recorder/is_record std_msgs/Bool "False"
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── package.xml
├── ros
│ ├── launch
│ │ ├── migrave_video_recorder.launch
│ │ ├── rs_camera.launch
│ │ └── usb_cam_both.launch
│ ├── scripts
│ │ ├── migrave_video_recorder
│ │ └── migrave_webcam_recorder
│ └── src
│ └── video_recorder
│ ├──
│ └──