This is a dark version of the original material theme. Please refer to the links below to check out the original. Here's what I changed:
- Disabled google-analytics (I'm pretty averse to tracking and I effectively use browser add-ons in order to safely browse the internet. It would be pretty hypocrite of me to have GA on my own website);
- Changed to a dark/night mode (I usually prefer dark background in pretty much everything I do on the computer. Helps with vision and hides the annoying dead pixels);
- Increased paragraph's width (I find the default width to be too narrow);
- Added support for mathjax (I come from a background where math is often used. Having support for latex is a must);
- Added an about page (The content of this page is, however, directly written in the .html file. I would like to have an on the root directory instead, but I couldn't make it work. If you know how, please let me know);
- Several changes to the Posts menu (removed the small paragraph below each post, brought the titles closer together, added "»»" for eye guidance, etc);
- Changed coloring of the buttons, when active and when inactive;
- Hid the bottom bar (I'd rather add those links in the about page);
- Added a search function using You can easily disable it by editing index.html.
And that is all I can remember. Please check out the original theme in lukas-h did great here and he also has other nice themes. Check him out.
If you want to use a dark version of lukas' material theme, with a few other changes, you can either edit lukas' theme, as I did, or you can fork/clone my repo. Be aware, however, that I know nothing of html and css and so the code (my part) is probably a mess.
a lightweight jekyll blogging theme, perfect for your personal page.
Read the Article about it!
If you are too busy to read these few lines, then please do this:
- fork repo
- change the site's url and other values in