- Mac OS X
- Visual Studio Code
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- React
- Semantic React UI
- Redux Toolkit
- Typescript
- Google OAuth
- Azure Data Studio
- docker
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code (.NET Core Debugger)
dotnet run src/SPA.Web/SPA.Web.csproj
docker-compose up --build
dotnet test ./tests/SPA.Tests
- Visual Studio Test Explorer
- Visual Studio Code Test Explorer
Solution was approached by first drawing out ERD and application architecture on whiteboard.
This .NET Standard library encapsulates data layer and its logic so that if its required to move from one storage to a different kind of storage then very few changes would be required.
- Repository Pattern
- Async APIs
This is the ASP.NET Core project that is serving both the clientside and API endpoints.
- Options Pattern
- DI
- API Versioning
- Auth
This is the SPA built with React and scaffolded with create-react-app
- Functional Components
- Use of Hooks
- Redux
- API Validation e.g. FluentValidation
- Exception Handling Middleware
- Convention based DI Registration
- Client-side Validation
- Frontend/Backend Unit Testing
- Inject credentials and secrets from secure storage like Consul Vault or Azure Vault
- Find a video in this directory for a demo