This library is an asynchronous Input/Output device stack for embedded devices such as the ESP8266. The main reason for building this was to provide a mechanism for serialising modbus requests. We also needed to serialise commands to a 433MHz RF switch.
The goal is to abstract away differences between different communication protocols and provide a uniform API for controlling a network of device nodes.
To keep objects generic (i.e. not too modbus-centric) we define the following objects and features:
- Controller
- The hardware which talks over RS485 (or whatever). There is one controller instance for each physical device available. The controller serialises requests.
- Device
- An instance of a modbus slave or RF switch transmitter. These sit on top of a controller to define characteristics specific to the device (or slave). Multiple devices may be attached to a controller.
- Request
- Encapsulates a command request for a specific device class. Requests are created, queued, executed then destroyed. Callbacks are issued to notify the start of execution and completion.
- Device Manager
- Keeps track of all registered controllers and provides methods for creating and issuing requests.
Configuration is managed using JSON. Controller instances are provided by the application. Devices are defined using a JSON configuration file as devices may be added or removed from a deployed network.
The system for which this library was developed uses a basic HTML/javascript front-end which deals with configuration and generating command requests (in JSON). This keeps embedded memory requirements to a minimum.
Controllers are given an ID which indicates their class, plus index within that class:
RS485 serial controller #0rfswitch#0
RF Controller #0 (i-Lumos RF Light switch)
Device identifiers can be anything but must be globally unique, e.g. mb1, rf0, dmx1, etc. See :sample:`Basic_RS485` sample, config/devices.json.
We can command a device thus:
{ "device": "mb1", "node": 1, "command": "toggle" }
{ "device": "rf0", "code": 0x123456 }
Commands are defined using a command set of codes via :cpp:enum:`IO::Command`. Not all device types support all commands.
.. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 docs/*/index