scalecast-examples Read the docs. scalecast project. pip install scalecast Write a notebook or write an article and we will link it and give you credit Introduction to scalecast Notebook Anomalies Notebook ARIMA Forecast with ARIMA in Python More Easily with Scalecast Notebook Auto Xvar Select Auto Model Specification with ML Techniques for Time Series Notebook Backtested Dynamic Confidence Intervals Notebook Combo Notebook Confidence Intervals Notebook Enplanement/COVID Notebook Feature Reduction Variable Reduction Techniques for Time Series Notebook Forecasting at Scale M4 May the Forecasts Be with You Notebook Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing Notebook Multivariate - Beyond the Basics Notebook Prophet Notebook RNN Exploring the LSTM Neural Network Model for Time Series LSTM Notebook RNN Notebook Silverkite Notebook Sklearn Multivariate Multiple Series? Forecast Them together with any Sklearn Model Notebook Sklearn Univariate Expand your Time Series Arsenal with These Models Notebook Stacking Notebook Theta Notebook Transfer Learning Sklearn Notebook Tensorflow Notebook Transforming Notebook Validation Methods How Not to be Fooled by Time Series Models Model Validation Techniques for Time Series Notebook 1 Notebook 2 VECM Employ a VECM to predict FANG Stocks with an ML Framework Notebook