73 Linux is the next evolution of Build a Pi. Not only does 73 Linux support Raspberry Pi but it also supports x86_64 Debian based systems. Now you can load up a laptop running Ubuntu or Mint with the same ease as previously on the Pi. To keep with the Build a Pi traditions, you have FULL control over the build unlike pre-built images. It allows you to choose the applications you want to install and skip the ones you don’t need. This keeps your system as lean and mean as possible.
Another great feature is the ability to "side load" new apps. Anyone can write a bapp file and drop it in the community directory and the 73 Linux menu system will automatically load it right along with the core apps.
Just one small example of a custom bapp file would be if your organization uses a custom Winlink form or custom FLMSG form. One savvy Linux user from your group could write a custom bapp file to help others in the organization be certain the forms got installed to the correct directory.
End users still have full control over custom files and can choose to show or ignore bapp files not included in the official 73 Linux package.
So far 73 Linux has been tested on the Pi 4 running Pi OS 32bit and the Evolve Maestro laptop.
You can run 73 Linux right on top of your old Build a Pi install. 73 Linux will remove
any old installs of BAP during the initial run. Coming soon.
Note: VARA may not install on the first run. If it doesn't, run 73 Linux again and just choose VARA on the second run.
Install is still super easy. Just run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/km4ack/73Linux.git $HOME/73Linux && bash $HOME/73Linux/73.sh
A big thank you to Kelly Keaton for his huge contribution to the new menu system, the Patrons for their time testing early versions, and everyone who has reported bugs over the years. Each of you has helped make this project what it is today. Other code contributors include:
jangliss Jehreg Rescue9 hsmalley chrisBosse kuperman NullVibes