Adds the time dimension to Clojure data.
A timeline is a chronologically tagged sequence of values, stored as an immutable persistent data structure.
Often it is helpful to see how values change over time. A timeline is an immutable value that itself, but represents a progression of values over time (which can also be seen as events).
Intended use cases are:
- Fast in-memory querying / manipulation of time based data
- Sensor / M2M data storage and analysis
- Logging with timestamps
- Recording a "history" of transactions or other values
- 100% immutable, persistent data structure
- Accepts anything as values
- View of timelines as a sequence of changes ("events")
- Ability to look up the most recently set value for any timeline
- Each event is a [time value] pair
- Builds on RRB-Trees ( to enable efficient merging, slicing and concatenation of timelines
- Builds on clj-time / Joda time for a decent immutable timestamp handling API
To use Timeline, you can simply grab the latest released version from Clojars:
(let [time-now (now)
t (timeline)
t (log t time-now "Now")
t (log t (+ time-now 1000) "One second later")
t (log t (- time-now 1000) "One second before")]
(seq t))
=> ([#<Instant 2013-10-16T02:16:46.879Z> "One second before"]
[#<Instant 2013-10-16T02:16:47.879Z> "Now"]
[#<Instant 2013-10-16T02:16:48.879Z> "One second later"])
Some more example usage is provided in the following test namespaces: