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Urban Airship iOS Products (In-App Purchase, Push, Rich Push, Subscriptions)


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iOS Urban Airship Library


Urban Airship's libUAirship is a drop-in static library that provides a simple way to integrate Urban Airship services into your iOS applications. If you want to include the library in your app, you can download from Developer Resources. This zip contains a pre-compiled universal library for armv7/armv7s/arm64/i386/x86_64 (libUAirship-x.y.z.a) as well as the subproject necessary for building AirshipKit.

iOS 8 Notes (Updated Aug 12, 2015)

Known issues with iOS 8.0.0 that may impact your application:

  • Applications do not enter the 'active' state when started from an interactive notification and subsequent app sessions do not receive the application:didBecomeActive delegate call or UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification. The application state never transitions out of 'inactive' (Radar #18179525). This will impact the accuracy of reporting for applications using interactive notifications.
  • Background refresh always appears to be enabled in an application even when disabled in settings and background push will not be delivered. Push registration will consider a device in this situation able to receive a background notification when it cannot. (Radar #18298439)
  • Registering for UIUserNotificationTypeNone will prevent a re-registration until the device has been restarted and the settings are manually updated in There is a workaround for this issue in UA SDK 5.0.0. (Radar #17878212)
  • Resolved in iOS 9 The boolean properties on UIUserNotificationAction are mutated in the UIUserNotificationCategory isEqual: method, so the authorizationRequired and destructive properties on an action may receive values from actions in other categories in the set registered with iOS. You may see notification actions with the wrong color or authorization required status (Radar #18385104).



Xcode 6.4+ is required for all projects and the static library. Projects must target >= iOS6.

Download and unzip the latest version of libUAirship. If you are using one of our sample projects, copy the Airship directory into the same directory as your project::

    cp -r Airship /SomeDirectory/ (where /SomeDirectory/YourProject/ is your project)

If you are not using a sample project, you'll need to import the source files for the User Interface into your project. These are located under Airship/UI/Default. Ensure UAirship.h and UAPush.h are included in your source files.

Modules are enabled by default in new projects starting with Xcode 5. We recommend enabling modules and the automatic linking of frameworks. In the project's Build Settings, search for Enable Modules and set it to YES then set Link Frameworks Automatically to YES.

New applications with iOS 8 or above as a deployment target may opt to link against AirshipKit.framework instead of libUAirship. Because AirshipKit is an embedded framework as opposed to a static library, applications using this framework can take advantage of features such as module-style import and automatic bridging to the Swift language. Be aware, however, that embedded frameworks are not supported on iOS 7 and below. Further instructions on how to set up AirshipKit can be found below under the header "AirshipKit Setup"

Static Library Setup

  • Add the Airship directory to your build target's header search path.

  • Add -ObjC -lz -lsqlite3 linker flag to Other Linker Flags to prevent "Selector Not Recognized" runtime exceptions and to include linkage to libz and libsqlite3. The linker flag -force_load <path to library>/libUAirship-<version>.a may be used in instances where using the -ObjC linker flag is undesirable.

  • Link against the static library, add the libUAirship.a file to the Link Binary With Libraries section in the Build Phases tab for your target.

AirshipKit Setup

  • Include AirshipKit as a project dependency by dragging AirshipKit.xcodeproj out of the AirshipKit folder and into your app project in Xcode (directly under the top level of the project structure). Now AirshipKit will be built at compile-time for the active architecture.

  • Link against the embedded framework by adding the AirshipKit.framework file to the Embedded Binaries section in the General tab for your target. This should also add it to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section.

  • Add the bridging header located in Airship/UI, named "UA-UI-Bridging-Header.h" to use the sample UI.

Adding an Airship Config File

The library uses a .plist configuration file named AirshipConfig.plist to manage your production and development application profiles. Example copies of this file are available in all of the sample projects. Place this file in your project and set the following values to the ones in your application at To view all the possible keys and values, see the UAConfig class reference

You can also edit the file as plain-text:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
      <string>Your Development App Key</string>
      <string>Your Development App Secret</string>
      <string>Your Production App Key</string>
      <string>Your Production App Secret</string>

If you are using development builds and testing using the Apple sandbox set inProduction to false. For App Store and Ad-Hoc builds, set it to true. You may also allow the library to auto-detect the production mode by setting detectProvisioningMode to true.

Advanced users may add scripting or preprocessing logic to this .plist file to automate the switch from development to production keys based on the build type.

App Delegate additions

To enable push notifications, you will need to make several additions to your application delegate.

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application 
            didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
        // Your other application code.....
        // Set log level for debugging config loading (optional)
        // It will be set to the value in the loaded config upon takeOff
        [UAirship setLogLevel:UALogLevelTrace];

        // Populate AirshipConfig.plist with your app's info from
        // or set runtime properties here.
        UAConfig *config = [UAConfig defaultConfig];

        // You can then programmatically override the plist values:
        // config.developmentAppKey = @"YourKey";
        // etc.

        // Call takeOff (which creates the UAirship singleton)
        [UAirship takeOff:config];

        // Print out the application configuration for debugging (optional)
        UA_LDEBUG(@"Config:\n%@", [config description]);

        // Set the icon badge to zero on startup (optional)
        [[UAirship push] resetBadge];

        // User notifications will not be enabled until userPushNotificationsEnabled is
        // set YES on UAPush. Once enabled, the setting will be persisted and the user
        // will be prompted to allow notifications. You should wait for a more appropriate
        // time to enable push to increase the likelihood that the user will accept
        // notifications.
        // [UAirship push].userPushNotificationsEnabled = YES;

        return YES;

To enable push later on in your application:

    // Somewhere in the app, this will enable push (setting it to NO will disable push,
    // which will trigger the proper registration or de-registration code in the library).
    [UAirship push].userPushNotificationsEnabled = YES;


Logging can be configured through either the AirshipConfig.plist file or directly in code. The default log level for production apps is UALogLevelError and the default for development apps is UALogLevelDebug.

In AirshipConfig.plist, set LOG_LEVEL to one of the following integer values:

    None = 0
    Error = 1
    Warn = 2
    Info = 3
    Debug = 4
    Trace = 5

To set the log level in code, call setLogLevel after takeOff:

    [UAirship setLogLevel:UALogLevelWarn];

The available log levels are:


Logs for implementation errors will be prefixed with ':rotating_light:Urban Airship Implementation Error:rotating_light:' in debug mode. The emoji can be removed by disabling loud implementation errors before takeOff by calling:

    [UAirship setLoudImpErrorLogging:NO];

Building libUAirship from Source

Source can be found here.

  • Update scripts/ with the path to the app bundle for the version of Xcode (e.g. /Applications/ that you want to build with. Run the distribution script ./Deploy/

This will produce a static library (.a file) in the Airship folder as well as the sample projects and Airship library distribution zip file in Deploy/output


The unit tests in this project require OCMock. OCMock can be installed automatically with the use of our install script, scripts/

Third Party Packages

Core Library

Third party Package License Copyright / Creator
Base64 BSD Copyright 2009-2010 Matt Gallagher.

Test Code

Third party Package License Copyright / Creator
JRSwizzle MIT Copyright 2012 Jonathan Rentzsch

Contributing Code

We accept pull requests! If you would like to submit a pull request, please fill out and submit a Code Contribution Agreement (


Urban Airship iOS Products (In-App Purchase, Push, Rich Push, Subscriptions)







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  • Objective-C 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%