UI Test Automation project for Booking.com
Originally the purpose of this project was to demonstrate my knowledge in Software Testing Automation by performing a technical task. And now, after finishing the project I was interviewed for I decide to reuse this tech task to practice in creating Test Automation Framework.
for each set of tools for framework
- Implement parallel run of tests
- Running subset of tests by test levels and features
- Use config manager
###Links to other documentation:
It also would be nice to implement:
- data provider for tests as well as base test with pre and post conditions;
- environment properties and property controller;
- configure downloading of chrome driver for platforms other than just windows; using BDD tool e.g. JBehave;
- using git branching strategy and a code review tool;
- other points of improvement can rise after enabling CI, using different environments and configurations, expanding tests etc.
Test reporting is already implemented at Serenity, so it can be used as it is.
Use mvn clean test serenity:aggregate
to run test and generate the test report. The report can be found at target/site/serenity/index.html