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GNSS ( GPS ) Web mini tracker for mobile browsers


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Leaflet/OSM based GNSS mini tracker, MIT (c) 2019-2024 @miktim

The tracker is designed for mobile browsers to visualize tracked objects or your own location. Interaction with the tracker is carried out through the user interface or by exchanging messages in JSON format via WebView, WebSocket or using the JavaScript API.

1. tracker.html

1.1 tracker.html query parameters (optional):

  • mode = nowatch
    Comma delimited modes:
    debug - debug JavaScript sources;
    watch - watch own location;
    nowatch - disable watching own location;
    demo - run demo.

  • watch = 5
    Timeout for monitoring location (seconds)

  • track = 7:20:1000
    Minimizing track nodes:

  • lang = en_US
    Supported languages: en_US, ru_RU

  • load = undefined
    URL of user defined .js. See demo.js as an example.

  • websocket = undefined
    WebSocket URI as: ws://host:port/path
    Note: WebSocket protocol depends on the page protocol: http - ws, https - wss.

1.2 tracker.html examples

Run demo (the wonderful ideal world):

Track your own location:

2 Mini tracker user interface

2.1 Objects and controls


The objects are represented by an icon and a circle with a radius equal to the accuracy of the coordinates. Objects with an expired timeout dim.

Controls at the screen top right:

  • field to search objects by name. You can use wildcards in the file search style: ? - any single character, * - any characters. Tap the name in the list to locate the object.
  • button to display the message history. The message in the bottom right of the screen is visible for a few seconds. The next message overlaps the previous one.
  • button to fit all objects into the screen.
  • button for centering the map according to your own location.

2.2 Tracking

  • Tap the icon of the object to start tracking. Tap the icon again to stop it. The next track deletes the previous one.
  • Tap the node accuracy circle to show node info. Tap the track node info panel (scrolled, contents may vary) to slide it to the left.
  • Double-tap on the tracking polyline to copy it to the clipboard in GeoJSON format. Example:
  "properties": {
    "nodes": {
      "accuracy": [
        17.1 ],
      "timestamp": [
        1714372059719 ]
  "geometry": {
    "coordinates": [
      [-0.001437,51.476817] ]

Heading (HDG) is the angle in degrees clockwise from true North to the direction from the previous location to the current one.
Course (CRS) is the angle in degrees clockwise from true North to direction from the current to the next node.
Deviation is the angle between heading and course.

3. Tracker WebView and WebSocket API

The tracker communicates with the opposite side (let's call it the "client") via WebView or WebSocket in the similar way:

  • client loads the tracker.html with requred parameters and establishes a connection;
  • client sends a requests (Actions) in UTF-8 JSON format and receives a responses (Events) in UTF-8 JSON format.

For WebView clients, there are two entry points:

  • Tracker.webview.toTracker(String actionJson);
  • Tracker.webview.fromTracker(String eventJson).

To access tracker events from the Android app, redefine the fromTracker function. For example:

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
  public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
    view.loadUrl("javascript: Tracker.webview.fromTracker = 
      function(event) { Android.fromTracker(event); };");

See also:

The tracker connects to the WebSocket URI using the "" subprotocol.

Tracker supports two actions:

  • update location source to show object on the map;
  • update message to display message.

Possible response events are "ok" or "error".

An example of a request to display a message on a tracker map in JSON format:

  "action": "update:message",
  "message": "Hello, Tracker!"

Response in JSON:

{ "event": "ok:update:message" }

Request to show an object with a green icon on the map:

  "id":"id Demo1",


{ "event": "ok:update:locationsource" }

Example of Error event response:

  "event": "error:update:locationsource",
  "code": 3,
  "message": "Object property is missing or invalid",
  "type": "trackererror"

When started, the tracker moves the map to the current location (if it is not available, it is the Greenwich Prime Meridian) and sends a Ready event with tracker version.


3.1 Tracker LocationSource object


Name Type Description
id String required, 'transponder' unique id
name String required, 'transponder' name
latitude Number required, WGS-84 latitude in degrees (-90 : 90)
longitude Number required, WGS-84 longitude in degrees (-180 : 180)
accuracy Number required, in meters (radius!)
timestamp Number required, EpochTimeStamp in MILLISECONDS
iconid Number optional, (0 : 4) gray, blue, green, red, yellow
timeout Number optional, location 'lifetime' in SECONDS
speed Number optional, meters per second
heading Number optional, the angle in degrees clockwise from true North (0 : 360)

3.2 Tracker Message object


Name Type Description
message String required. Messages truncated to 64 chars.

3.3 Tracker Error Event object

Name Type Description
code Number Error code
message String Error message
type String Error type

3.4 Tracker Ready Event object

Name Type Description
mapCenter [Number, Number] latitude and longitude of the map center

4. Tracker JavaScript API

4.1 Global object Tracker

version constant contains current Tracker version as "1.1.0"


Method Returns Description
load(<String> id) load tracker given the DOM ID of a <div> element
whenReady(<Function> fn) wait for the tracker to load. Event contains readyObj property
getMap() <Leaflet Map>
LocationSource({properties}) <LocationSource> see above
Message(<String> message) <Message> see above
on(<String> events, <Function>fn) this register events listener
once(<String>events, <Function> fn) this ... listener will only get fired once and then removed
off(<String>events, <Function> fn) this remove listener

Tracker Events

Event Description
trackeraction an event triggered when an WebView/WebSocket action is approved. The details are in the event actionObj property
trackererror an event triggered when an error occurs in a JavaScript action. The details are in the event errorObj property.

WebView entries:

Method Returns Description
webview.toTracker(<String> actionJson) pass JSON representation of the Action object to Tracker
webview.fromTracker(<String> eventJson) pass JSON representation of the Event object from Tracker

4.2 Tracker LocationSource object methods


Method Returns Description
update() this show object on the tracker map
getLatLng() <LatLng> get Leaflet-style geographic point
getPosition() <Position> get Yandex.Maps-style geographic point
setLatLng(<LatLng> p) this set Leaflet-style geographic point
setPosition(<Position> p) this set Yandex.Maps-style geographic point

Leaflet-style point <LatLng> is an object {lat: latitude, lng: longitude}. Yandex.Maps-style point <Position> is an array [latitude, longitude]

4.3 Tracker Message object methods


Method Returns Description
update() this show message on the tracker map

4.4 Module Tracker.util


Function Returns Description
getUrlSearchParameter(<String> name) String returns URL query parameter value or null
trackerMode(<String>mode) boolean returns true if mode present
getMobileOperatingSystem() String returns mobile OS name (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) or null

4.5 Module Tracker.geoUtil


Function Returns Description
distance(<Point>p1, <Point>p2) Number distance from p1 to p2 in meters
heading(<Point>p1, <Point>p2) Number calculate angle in degrees clockwise from true North to direction from p1 to p2
radialPoint(<Point>p, <Number>heading, <Number>distance) <Point> calculate geographic point from p with given heading (degrees) and distance (meteres)

<Point> can be <LatLng> or <Position>. Returned value has same type.


GNSS ( GPS ) Web mini tracker for mobile browsers








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