Smallprox is small HTTP proxy with features such as HTTPS MITM and content manipulation, written in Go.
Usage of smallprox:
-addr value
Proxy listen address(es)
-auth string
Proxy authentication, username:password
-blockHostsFile value
Block the hosts found in this file(s), one per line or in /etc/hosts format
-cacert string
CA certificate file for HTTPS MITM
-cakey string
CA private key file for HTTPS MITM
Compress highly compressable content * (default true)
Enable man-in-the-middle for HTTP CONNECT connections (default true)
Enable man-in-the-middle for HTTPS CONNECT connections
TLS config InsecureSkipVerify
-limitContent value
Limit content to minimize excessive memory usage * (default 100MiB)
Remove JavaScript from HTML content *
Make images/pictures smaller *
-v Verbose output
* only applies to CONNECT if MITM enabled
docker build --tag millerlogic/smallprox .
docker run --rm -it -p --user=nobody:nobody --init millerlogic/smallprox