MEAN full stack application made for college course project. It represents a home renovation agency. There are 3 types of users: clients, agencies and administrator. Frontend is done with Angular and backend with NodeJS. For the database MongoDB is used.
If you don't have MEAN stack installed (otherwise skip to step 4):
- Install NodeJS
- In cmd run these commands:
npm install @angular/cli
npm install -g typescript
npm install -g express
npm install -g mongoose
- Install MongoDB alongside MongoDBCompass
- In MongoDBCompass make projekatDB database, create collections from the database folder and import them.
Create two directories:
- In cmd position to frontend directory and create new project using
ng new project-name
. Enable rooting and set style to CSS. - Change src directory, angular.json and package.json with those from completed application and run
npm update
- In cmd position to backend directory and add src directory and package.json from completed application and run
npm install
Finally, in frontend/project-name run ng serve --open
and in backend run tsc
and npm run serve