Monorepo for various C++ project created in socket environment.
name | description |
s21_pwss_lab1-wpr | introduction to socket programming, parse readable domain to IP addresses |
s21_pwss_lab2-udp | simplex file transmission between server and client using UDP protocol |
s21_pwss_lab3-tcp | simplex file transmission between server and client using TCP protocol |
s21_pwss_lab4-nbk | file transmission using non blocking sockets API |
s21_pwss_lab5-txt | simple full-duplex file transfer protocol build on top of the TCP |
s21_pwss_lab6-http | integrate app with external HTTP weather API |
s21_pwss_lab7-curl | integrate app with external HTTP weather api using cURL C++ library |
s21_pwss_lab8-tsl | secured file transmission using non blocking socket API with TSL certificates |
Created by Miłosz Gilga. If you have any questions about the application send message:
This program is on GNU-GPL 3.0 license.