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Adding repos to mimblewimble

lehnberg edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 1 revision

This document describes the process of how repositories are added to the /mimblewimble organization.

Moving existing repos

  1. A repo is identified as suitable to be moved under the mimblewimble organization. Often, this would imply that the project in question is directly related to Grin in some form.
  2. Explicit consent is requested by the repo maintainers to ensure they agree to have the repo moved.
  3. A proposal is brought forward, with a motivation backing up the rationale for why this move is justified.
  4. A core team decision is made, with or without discussion in a governance meeting depending on the request.
  5. If in favour, the repo is included.

Creating new repos

  1. A proposal is brought forward, with a motivation backing up the rationale for why a new repo is justified.
  2. A core team decision is made, with or without discussion in a governance meeting depending on the request.
  3. If in favour, the repo is created.
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